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Hyper Tough 9-in. Ratcheting Caulk Gun
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Hyper Tough 9-in. Ratcheting Caulk Gun

Product ID: 460440889
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There is no need to invest in an expensive gun for occasional light caulking projects, such as sealing a gap between the tub and the wall. This nicely priced and dependable Hyper Tough 9-in. Ratcheting Caulk Gun (Model 6099) is a good choice. It uses traditional ratchet rod technology with a 5:1 thrust ratio, which is the best for dispensing low viscosity sealant, such as painters latex caulk. When you finish your project, just release the trigger, push the pressure-release button at back, and pull the plunger back, so the excess caulk wont ooze out. It comes with a built-in pin for puncturing the seal on the caulk tube, a built-in cutter to nip off the tip of the tube, and a handy hook for hanging the gun on a ladder rung. The rugged construction weighs only 13oz, powder coated to prevent rust and corrosion. The grip is designed to keep the wrist in a natural and balanced position to reduce stress in hand and arm after long time use. Hyper Tough 1-833-908-2024 HyperTough 9-in. Ratcheting Caulk Gun Steel frame caulking gun for standard 10 oz Cartridges Thrust ratio of 5:1 for use with low viscosity materials Integrated spout cutter and built-in seal punch  Half-barrel cradle used for light to medium application Steady release and smooth rod for ease of use

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

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