Exclusive Oakton Deals and Offers

Unlock the true essence of Oakton—where craftsmanship and performance meet.

OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

472,159 Fr
Cole-Parmer - Oakton EcoTestr™ pH 2+ Pocket pH Meter - Business & Scientific - LCD Screen, 0°C to 50°C / 32°F to 122°F

Cole-Parmer - Oakton EcoTestr™ pH 2+ Pocket pH Meter - Business & Scientific - LCD Screen, 0°C to 50°C / 32°F to 122°F

1,459,849 Fr
OaktonWD-35462-11 EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

OaktonWD-35462-11 EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

1,260,219 Fr
OaktonpH 6+ Handheld Meter Kit with Case, Solutions, and pH/ATC Probe

OaktonpH 6+ Handheld Meter Kit with Case, Solutions, and pH/ATC Probe

2,789,727 Fr
Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01

Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01

Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 S; 500 mL

Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 S; 500 mL

359,299 Fr
Oakton WD-35634-30 pHTestr 30 pH Tester, For Temperature

Oakton WD-35634-30 pHTestr 30 pH Tester, For Temperature

1,227,009 Fr
Oakton Electrode Cleaning Solution; 500 mL

Oakton Electrode Cleaning Solution; 500 mL

65,541 Fr
OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

251,315 Fr
Oakton WD-05942-10 Oakton Calibration Buffer Pack, 500 mL Bottle Each of 4.01, 7.00 and 10.00 Standards

Oakton WD-05942-10 Oakton Calibration Buffer Pack, 500 mL Bottle Each of 4.01, 7.00 and 10.00 Standards

1,221,469 Fr
Oakton AO-35634-35 PCTSTestr 50 Waterproof Pocket pH/Cond/TDS/Salinity Tester, Premium 50 Series, Black

Oakton AO-35634-35 PCTSTestr 50 Waterproof Pocket pH/Cond/TDS/Salinity Tester, Premium 50 Series, Black

2,972,769 Fr
Oakton PCTSTestr™ 5 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton PCTSTestr™ 5 Waterproof Pocket Tester

950,117 Fr
Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length , 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length , 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

202,529 FC
Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

345,419 Fr
OaktonWD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

OaktonWD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

1,982,119 Fr
Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00653-18 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 1413 Μs; 500 mL

402,299 Fr
Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

1,129,679 Fr
OaktonAO-05942-10 Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of Each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01 (Pack of 3)

OaktonAO-05942-10 Oakton Buffer Pack; 500 mL of Each pH 4.01, 7.00, and 10.01 (Pack of 3)

548,309 Fr
Oakton 1189N29EA WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

Oakton 1189N29EA WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

208,893 Fr
Oakton WD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

Oakton WD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

1,125,124 Fr
Oakton WD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

Oakton WD-35805-05 12mm Single-Junction Epoxy Body Gel-Filled pH Electrode, Standard, 0 - 14 pH Range

790,859 Fr
Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 µS, 500 mL

Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 µS, 500 mL

345,739 Fr
Oakton AO-35614-30 pH 150 Waterproof Portable Meter with SJ All-in-One Electrode

Oakton AO-35614-30 pH 150 Waterproof Portable Meter with SJ All-in-One Electrode

5,279,289 Fr
Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 Μs; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 Μs; 500 mL

343,569 Fr
Oakton WD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

Oakton WD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

1,588,529 Fr
Oakton WD-00653-47 Conductivity Standard Solution, 447 US, 1 Pint Bottle, Pints, Degree C, Liquid, (

Oakton WD-00653-47 Conductivity Standard Solution, 447 US, 1 Pint Bottle, Pints, Degree C, Liquid, (

1,023,179 Fr
Oakton pHoenix Electrode WD-35803-14 Fluoroborate Standard, 0.1 Molar

Oakton pHoenix Electrode WD-35803-14 Fluoroborate Standard, 0.1 Molar

91,227 Fr
Oakton AO-35634-35/ PCTS50 pH Tester (50 Series)

Oakton AO-35634-35/ PCTS50 pH Tester (50 Series)

3,006,629 Fr
Oakton EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

Oakton EcoTestr CTS Pocket Conductivity, Salinity, and TDS Meter

1,615,709 Fr
OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

OaktonWD-05942-42 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 7.00 Standard, 1 L Capacity

636,819 Fr
Oakton AO-35604-00 CON 6+ Handheld Conductivity Meter with Probe

Oakton AO-35604-00 CON 6+ Handheld Conductivity Meter with Probe

5,343,639 Fr
Oakton WD-35710-72 External Current Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

Oakton WD-35710-72 External Current Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

111,560 Fr
Oakton WD-08517-30 Thermocouple Extension Cable with Mini-Connector, Type J

Oakton WD-08517-30 Thermocouple Extension Cable with Mini-Connector, Type J

278,917 Fr
OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

OaktonAO-00653-16 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 84 Μs; 500 mL

278,749 Fr
Oakton DO6+ Dissolved Oxygen Meter Only

Oakton DO6+ Dissolved Oxygen Meter Only

1,078,869 Fr
Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

538,155 Fr
Oakton WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

Oakton WD-05942-22 Oakton Calibration Buffer, 4.01 Standard, 1 L Capacity

3,443,489 Fr
Oakton Electrode Storage Solution; 500 mL

Oakton Electrode Storage Solution; 500 mL

132,051 Fr
OaktonAll-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

OaktonAll-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

394,671 Fr
Oakton WD-08368-11 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree F, 1 Day Rotation

Oakton WD-08368-11 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree F, 1 Day Rotation

421,475 Fr
OaktonPC 450 Waterproof Portable Meter with Combination Probe

OaktonPC 450 Waterproof Portable Meter with Combination Probe

11,310,449 Fr
Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 ÃŽÅ“s; 500 mL

Oakton AO-00606-10 Oakton Conductivity and TDS Standard, 12,880 ÃŽÅ“s; 500 mL

672,799 Fr
Oakton Replacement All-In-One pH/Temperature Probe, Single Junction and Epoxy Body

Oakton Replacement All-In-One pH/Temperature Probe, Single Junction and Epoxy Body

1,222,359 Fr
Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

Oakton 35423-01 Ecotestr Ph. 2+ Pocket Ph. Meter, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length, 1.2" Height, 1.8" Wide, 6.4" Length

1,496,939 Fr
Oakton35634-18 Replacement Sensor for pHTestr 5

Oakton35634-18 Replacement Sensor for pHTestr 5

442,065 Fr


299,158 Fr
Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

1,392,609 Fr
OaktonWD-35613-05 Temperature Probe for Acorn pH, Acorn Ion, pH 510, 1100, 2100

OaktonWD-35613-05 Temperature Probe for Acorn pH, Acorn Ion, pH 510, 1100, 2100

813,649 Fr
Oakton WD-35710-74 External Voltage Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

Oakton WD-35710-74 External Voltage Sensor For TempLog Dataloggers

94,603 Fr
OaktonWD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

OaktonWD-59001-65 Oakton Replacement pH Electrode for pH 5+ and pH 6+ Meters, Single-Junction, Gel, BNC Connector

753,049 Fr
The Chipper of Oakton Villa

The Chipper of Oakton Villa

35,542 Fr
AP Chemistry 1: Preview for Oakton High School

AP Chemistry 1: Preview for Oakton High School

126,903 Fr
OaktonCON 6+ handheld conductivity meter with probe

OaktonCON 6+ handheld conductivity meter with probe

2,502,184 Fr
Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

113,769 Fr
OaktonAO-35653-01 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

OaktonAO-35653-01 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

500,542 Fr
Welcome to Oakton VA: A Fun DIY Visitors Guide

Welcome to Oakton VA: A Fun DIY Visitors Guide

37,418 Fr
OaktonpHoenix Electrode WD-35803-02 Bromide Standard, 0.1 Molar

OaktonpHoenix Electrode WD-35803-02 Bromide Standard, 0.1 Molar

320,239 Fr
Oakton WD-93631-01 Instruments High-Temperature Flexible Wire Probe, Type K, -418 to 1290 Degree F (-250 to 700 Degree C) Temperature Range, 20" Length x 0.020" Diameter

Oakton WD-93631-01 Instruments High-Temperature Flexible Wire Probe, Type K, -418 to 1290 Degree F (-250 to 700 Degree C) Temperature Range, 20" Length x 0.020" Diameter

469,763 Fr
Oakton PH 550 Benchtop pH Meter Kit

Oakton PH 550 Benchtop pH Meter Kit

1,582,576 Fr
OaktonWD-08516-71 Pipe-Fitting Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 2012 Degree F Temperature Range

OaktonWD-08516-71 Pipe-Fitting Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 2012 Degree F Temperature Range

466,310 Fr
OaktonEcoTestr™ TDS1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

OaktonEcoTestr™ TDS1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

408,469 Fr
Oakton Conductivity Calibration Pouches, 10 µS; 20/Pk

Oakton Conductivity Calibration Pouches, 10 µS; 20/Pk

246,379 Fr
Oakton 04552-86 Oakton Mixer Chuck Keyed for Stir-Pak and Servo Dyne Mixer

Oakton 04552-86 Oakton Mixer Chuck Keyed for Stir-Pak and Servo Dyne Mixer

1,520,089 Fr
Oakton 04349-00 Oakton316 SS Lightweight Three-Blade Propeller, 3-1/2" Dia x 5/16" Bore Dia

Oakton 04349-00 Oakton316 SS Lightweight Three-Blade Propeller, 3-1/2" Dia x 5/16" Bore Dia

608,631 Fr
OaktonElectrode Storage Solution, 500 mL

OaktonElectrode Storage Solution, 500 mL

105,355 Fr
Oakton pH 700 Benchtop Meter with Probes and Stand

Oakton pH 700 Benchtop Meter with Probes and Stand

4,834,419 Fr
Oakton Wd-03316-80:Barometer W Digital Thermometer

Oakton Wd-03316-80:Barometer W Digital Thermometer

1,692,564 Fr
Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

Screw This I'm Moving To Oakton: An Awesome Oakton Journal Notebook With Lined Interior - 110 pages - 6x9 inches

25,992 Fr
Oakton WD-35640-79 Probe Membrane Installation Tool

Oakton WD-35640-79 Probe Membrane Installation Tool

406,372 Fr
Oakton WD-35606-80 Protective Rubber Boot for Acorn Series Meters

Oakton WD-35606-80 Protective Rubber Boot for Acorn Series Meters

422,629 Fr
Oakton WD-08368-41 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree C, 7 Day Rotation

Oakton WD-08368-41 Chart Paper for 3 Speed Hygrothermograph, 0 Degree C, 7 Day Rotation

414,772 Fr
Chachkis and Chicken Wings: The Case of the Oakton Falls Burglar

Chachkis and Chicken Wings: The Case of the Oakton Falls Burglar

63,871 Fr
Oakton 04552-60 Oakton Propeller, Marine Style, 5/16" Bore Dia x 3" Diameter

Oakton 04552-60 Oakton Propeller, Marine Style, 5/16" Bore Dia x 3" Diameter

543,016 Fr
Oakton WD-35653-13 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 15000 microsiemens

Oakton WD-35653-13 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 15000 microsiemens

452,459 Fr
Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

Oakton 35634-05, EcoTestr pH1 Waterproof Pocket Tester

735,906 Fr
Oakton AO-35653-02 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

Oakton AO-35653-02 Oakton pH Calibration Buffer Pouches (Pack of 20)

807,399 Fr
OaktonBuffer Solution, pH 1.68, 500 mL

OaktonBuffer Solution, pH 1.68, 500 mL

78,489 Fr
Oakton WD-35653-09 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 10 microsiemens

Oakton WD-35653-09 Conductivity/TDS Singles Calibration Pouch, 10 microsiemens

4,387,589 Fr
Bitch, Please. I'm From Oakton: A Vulgar Adult Composition Notebook for a Native Oakton Resident - 6x9 inches

Bitch, Please. I'm From Oakton: A Vulgar Adult Composition Notebook for a Native Oakton Resident - 6x9 inches

25,483 Fr
Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

Oakton All-in-one pH/ATC Probe, Sealed/SJ/Epoxy, 3-ft Sub-Mini/BNC; 12 mm Dia

3,897,669 Fr
Oakton WD-08467-24 Fiberglass-Insulated Flexible Wire Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 1300 Degree F Temperature Range

Oakton WD-08467-24 Fiberglass-Insulated Flexible Wire Thermocouple Probe, Type K, -418 Degree F to 1300 Degree F Temperature Range

268,528 Fr