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Jurassic World REALFX Baby Blue | Hyper-Realistic Dinosaur Animatronic Puppet Toy | Life-like Movements and Real Movie Sounds | Jurassic World Dominion Official Gifts, Collectables and Toys
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Jurassic World REALFX Baby Blue | Hyper-Realistic Dinosaur Animatronic Puppet Toy | Life-like Movements and Real Movie Sounds | Jurassic World Dominion Official Gifts, Collectables and Toys

Product ID: 477466159
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Whether you are 7 or 70 if you are a fan of the Jurassic World film franchise then Real FX Baby Blue is the must have item for your collection. Real FX Baby Blue is a baby Velociraptor dinosaur that comes alive in your arms ready for your nurturing and protection. Movie-scale 'life size' baby dinosaur, Baby Blue has a built-in Real FX pistol grip controller mechanism concealed by an authentic Rangers handling glove! The controller allows you to bring Baby Blue to life in multiple ways. No one will know how Baby Blue has come to life, but they will believe she has! Star of the Jurassic World movie film franchise Baby Blue, and now Beta the Velociraptor in Jurassic World Dominion, are Velociraptor dinosaurs known for their ground speed and high intelligence. This full scale baby dinosaur comes to life in your hand like no remote control toy ever could! Billed by the manufacturer Wow! Stuff as 'the most realistic baby dinosaur outside of the real thing’, Real FX Baby Blue bites, lunges, growls, roars, purrs and protects its owner. Multiple skin sensors and Wow! Stuff’s Real FX functionality including more than 20 sounds directly from Blue in the Jurassic World movies brings Real FX Baby Blue to life like no toy dinosaur ever created! Hyper-realistic: Protect, lunge, battle and bite actions! Striking real-life movement and sounds. The most realistic dinosaur you can hold and control! Treat Baby Blue with care and she will become your life-long companion and protector Full Movie Scale: Realistic size from the Jurassic World movies! Baby Blue looks real, sounds real and feels real. Your friends won't believe their eyes! Uses animatronic puppetry for Real FX! Over 20 Movie Sound FX: 20+ original movie sound effects for hyper-realism! Baby Blue makes genuine Velociraptor life-like roars, chatters, snarls and purrs just like the Velociraptors in the Jurassic World Dominion movie.  Plus, hidden bonus sounds! For Jurassic World fans of all ages: Simple to operate! Slip your hand inside the protective Rangers handling glove, activate the internal pistol grip and finger trigger controller and Baby Blue comes to life! Ideally suitable for ages 7 up to adults with medium size forearms Official Jurassic World merchandise: Official Jurassic World and Jurassic World Dominion themed products authorized and licensed by Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment and built by Wow! Stuff to give you an amazing Real FX experience Real FX Experience: Creating the future by breaking the boundaries of the impossible. The REALFX experience is magically crafted to the highest quality by the scientists and engineers of tomorrow

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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