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VEVOR Linear Rail Slide SFC20-1000mm 2 PCS 39.4 in/1000mm SFC20 Guide Rails 4 PCS SC20 Slide Blocks 4 PCS Rail Supports Linear Rails and Bearings Kit for Automated Machines CNC DIY Project
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VEVOR Linear Rail Slide SFC20-1000mm 2 PCS 39.4 in/1000mm SFC20 Guide Rails 4 PCS SC20 Slide Blocks 4 PCS Rail Supports Linear Rails and Bearings Kit for Automated Machines CNC DIY Project

Product ID: 489974541
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VEVOR Linear Rail Slide SFC20-1000mm 2 PCS 39.4 in/1000mm SFC20 Guide Rails 4 PCS SC20 Slide Blocks 4 PCS Rail Supports Linear Rails and Bearings Kit for Automated Machines CNC DIY Project

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

2 months ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago